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Well, im Zosia, and i'm 16. i'm obsessed with music, photography, and psychology. i love my friends most of all, and i can't wait for college.

Friday, 5 March 2010

I Need..

inspiration. Art is pointless without it.. plus assuming you actually have any talent at all, which i don't. why i took art for a GCSE still amuses me. The thought that i'd actually enjoy 10 hour exams and actually having to be precise and careful with my work, is just funny. Why did i think i'd be good at this? Oh well. its done now. i have this new plan, that if i intertwine my passions with art, it might be interesting-Hence my idea to use lyrics in my art. crazy. i know.
Today, i realised how ungrateful people are. People moan about there lives 24/7 but they have little to moan about. Compare their lives to people that live in poverty. Not so bad now, is it? i mean, im having it tough at the moment. im positive a lot of other poeple are too, but im not having a massive cry about it. im just getting on with things. Although, im also, not saying "fuck it" to everything. people like that get annoying too. They have a future, i mean, you have to prepare for it, and the phrase "fuck it" isnt exactly going to help. Ive had trouble with friends recently, who have been in the "fuck it" phase, resulting in them being complete arrogant knobs. But, in the end, fair enough. Do what you want with your lives. Its not gonna be me moaning in the end. Well, i hope not anyway.

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